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Clevryn johtamisraportti tarjoaa arvokasta tietoa henkilön johtamispotentiaalista, työskentelytyylistä ja mieltymyksistä johtotehtävissä.
Vuosikymmenten kokemukseen ja tieteelliseen tutkimustietoon perustuva johtamismallimme on suunniteltu tunnistamaan persoonallisuuden piirteet, jotka tyypillisesti liittyvät onnistuneeseen johtajuuteen. Johtamisraportti on tehokas työkalu HR-ammattilaisten, esihenkilöiden ja coachien käyttöön rekrytoinnin ja henkilöstön kehittämisen tueksi.
The Leadership Report is predominantly used by line managers, HR colleagues and coaches, and is delivered through our online assessment platform.
The Leadership Report is based on the Clevry Leadership Model, with leadership potential being displayed across 12 attributes which fall under 4 key areas:
Each page of the Leadership Report explores an individuals ability to be successful in leadership.
The recipients score is provided, along with a brief overview of what the leadership attribute would look like in the workplace, and covers where certain traits may act as a strength or potential area of concern when having to lead others and drive the organisation forward.
This will help inform you of a potential leader’s ability to succeed in a leadership role based on the results of their personality questionnaire and tendencies in the workplace.
The first page of the Leadership Report displays an individual’s leadership potential.
This allows you to see the areas of their personality that hold the most potential in terms of possessing traits and qualities associated with successful leadership.
The leadership report is a valuable tool when recruiting for high level positions.
Working with others, connecting and networking, supporting others.
Offers insight into the individual’s tendencies and preferences in relation to working with others; including connecting with peers and managing direct reports
Decision making and ambiguity, achievement, ethical stance.
Looks at how the individual might approach tasks and decisions. This relates to their values, drive, and prioritisation in terms of the projects that they lead
Impact, confidence and self belief, coping with pressure.
Explores how the individual might deal with the emotional demands that come with adopting leadership responsibilities and bearing influence over others.