Psychometric Reports
Candidate Friendly Ability Test Report
Easy-to-digest feedback for candidate cognitive ability tests
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Our Candidate Friendly Ability Test Report provides easy-to-understand feedback to your candidate on any ability tests completed within a campaign.
The report is developmental in nature and has the candidate as the end user in mind. The 3 main sections of the report include:
A page on understanding the report – recapping the assessments they were asked to complete and how the scores are calculated, as well as important points about ability tests and their use more generally.
Overall performance – starting with a summary of overall ability performance across all ability tests taken, and then going into more detailed ability test results, including test specific advice.
General ability test advice – this last page of the report will be the same for all candidates regardless of what assessments they have completed.
What’s in the Report?
All Clevry reports have a page dedicated to ensuring users fully understand the background and purpose of the report, how to correctly interpret the results it presents, the conditions of using the report and where further information can be found about the candidate.
What it looks like
Each page of the Candidate Friendly Ability Test Report explores an individuals ability after taking one of our Ability Tests.
Whilst there is much overlap between this and our standard Ability Test Report, this new report is designed with the candidate as the end user in mind and is developmental in nature.

Candidate focused
Sten scores have been omitted from the report along with Red/Amber/Green traffic light scoring to make it more appropriate for candidates who won’t have knowledge/training in how to interpret psychometric scores.
Results are still described against a comparison group, details of which are given in the introduction.
Candidate development advice
Enhance your candidate experience with development advice and genuinely useful feedback.
The admin of feeding back results to candidates by the hiring manager / recruitment team has also been lessened as this can now be automated and done through this specially designed report.