Case Study

Customer Service

How we helped one publicly listed Nordic company reduce employee turnover and increase productivity in customer service roles.


This Nordic-based publicly listed company was building a new customer service team and were struggling to find good customer service candidates that matched the company values.

The company wanted to implement a new kind of recruitment model that would be based on data in order to solve their challenges in employee turnover and commitment.


Direct recruitment savings


Of new employees exceeded company defined KPIs


Reduction in employee turnover


The company wanted to understand better what traits correlate with good job performance in their Customer Service roles.

The goal was to build a data-driven, predictive, unbiased recruitment process to deliver substantial cost savings by reducing employee turnover and increasing engagement.

Some of the key aims for the project were:

  • Identify candidates who are best suited to working in a Customer Service role.

  • Use psychometric data to improve Customer Service recruitment and reduce recruitment costs and staff attrition rates.

  • Incorporate cognitive ability tests and personality assessments, using bespoke personality scales built to match the company values and correlate with other success factors.

  • To use psychometric assessments from the start of their recruitment process.

Our Approach

  1. In-depth scoping and role research by Clevry’s Occupational Psychologists.

  2. We then worked with the client to help define their performance metrics.

  3. 150 current staff members were then asked to complete an assessment.

  4. We analysed and combined the assessment results with actual job performance based on KPIs to build the ideal profile for Customer Service for this particular company.

The Results

The company witnessed some significant improvements using the created ideal profile when recruiting new employees for Customer Service.

Results and key findings of the project included:

  • 40 new recruitments in the first four months using using the new predictive recruitment model.

  • 90% of the new recruits exceeded company-defined KPIs within the first two weeks.

  • Employee turnover decreased from 31% to 7,9%.

  • Cost savings within first six months ca. € 250,000

  • Qualitative feedback from the line managers was very positive. Managers reported excellent cultural fit and high levels of engagement among the new recruits.

  • Strong correlation between verbal ability test results and job performance.

  • Correlation between personality assessment results and job performance. We found a strong correlation between 13 traits and company-defined KPIs.

  • After the assessments, all candidates received an automated feedback report based on their results.

"It's hard for me to describe how wonderfully the cooperation has worked. In addition to incredible results, the new hires are quick to learn, curious and hungry. They have created a completely new culture for our customer service."

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