Why use psychometric testing?

Why use psychometric testing?

For many businesses, psychometric testing is used either for training and development or as part of a wide range of recruitment and selection processes.

Here are a few reasons why organisations choose to incorporate online psychometric tests into their recruitment and development processes:

  • Increased emphasis on candidate experience
  • Increased efficiency of recruitment processes
  • More powerful interviews that allow you to glean better insights about your people
  • Provide differentiation from other companies recruitment processes
  • More easily find people with similar values
  • Save time sifting through large volumes of candidates
  • Reduces staff attrition by hiring people that better fit the company culture
  • Easily find gaps in the team that need to be filled via recruitment of new staff or training and upskilling current employees
  • Allows less confident members of the team to be more open in their responses about what they need from a development perspective
  • Reduces unconscious hiring biases and creates a fairer process for all


The Clevry Soft Skills Platform

The Clevry online assessment platform has been developed to increase the power of the recruitment and development process across a number of roles, levels and industries. The system is highly flexible and delivers a range of powerful psychometric assessments (including cognitive ability tests and situational judgement tests) which enable recruiters and hiring managers to better understand the answers to the three critical recruitment questions:

  • Can they do the job?
  • How will they do the job?
  • Do they want the job?


Our Soft Skills Platform contains the following types of assessment that can be delivered to candidates prior to the interview, or to current employees during a training and development programme:

After completing a test the candidate’s profile of suitability is reported via a number of detailed reports, which can be interpreted prior to interview, along with an interview guidance report that has been specially developed to help employers maximise the power of their interviews.


Clevry Assessments

Core Personality Questionnaire (CPQ)

This personality questionnaire measures the candidate’s self-perceptions in relation to a variety of occupational personality areas. The questionnaire gathers a range of information about the candidate’s personality that helps you to explore their suitability for the role during an interview. The PQ helps you to understand how the candidate sees themselves in relation to:

  • Their interpersonal style – the way they interact with others
  • Their thinking style – the way in which they approach tasks, challenges and decisions
  • Their emotional style – the way they tend to react to adversity, setbacks and success
  • Their motivation and culture-fit values – what they find rewarding, enjoyable and motivating plus their preferences for the type of business culture in which they work


The candidate’s responses are compared with a broader group (a norm group) to help you to understand their personality and how it differs from others. While there are no right or wrong answers to the PQ, the results will provide indications of strengths and concern in relation to the role, particularly in terms of the ‘how’ and ‘want’ questions.


View the output from our psychometric assessments by downloading sample reports below.

Ability tests

Cognitive ability tests are different in nature to the PQ; they provide an assessment of the candidate’s raw intellectual firepower. The tests provide a valuable indication of the capability of each candidate to deal effectively with the thinking demands of the role. A high score on the tests indicates that the candidate is likely to perform effectively when dealing with the problem-solving, decision-making and learning and development demands of the role.

The ability tests measure the verbal and numerical abilities of the candidate, as well as reporting the scores compared to other candidates. The test scores can be combined with the results from the PQ to calculate a sifting score.

Situational judgement tests

Situational Judgement Tests (or SJTs) are a more elegant way of finding out exactly how your candidates will behave in their role. During the assessment candidates are presented with hypothetical workplace scenarios, and are then asked to identify the most appropriate response to that situation.

As well as being a valuable tool for predicting future job performance, Situational Judgement Tests boast high face validity as well as excellent candidate engagement. SJTs provide you with an insight into the candidate’s approach and decision making style, whilst simultaneously providing them with a realistic job preview.




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